1) New Catholic Encyclopedia:
This is the second edition of the New Catholic Encyclopedia, which includes the Jubilee volume and subsequent supplemental volumes that updated this edition.
2) Augustine through the Ages:
This book presents articles, in an encyclopedic format, on the life and thought of Saint Augustine of Hippo. Indexes, cross-references, and up-to-date bibliographies are also provided.
3) Historical Dictionary of Catholicism (2nd Edition):
Contains more than 500 alphabetical, cross-referenced entries covering persons, organizations, places, events, titles, and concepts. Includes appendixes on popes, ecumenical councils, the documents of Vatican Council II, major papal encyclicals, and Catholic prayers, and a comprehensive bibliography.
4) Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy (v.1 and v.2):
Combines theoretical work on important topics and scholarly disciplines; social science perspectives on a variety of topics; and treatment of practical policy implications that flow from applying the Catholic religious, moral, and intellectual tradition to contemporary issues.
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