The Board of Trustees, Administration, and Faculty of Saint Joseph’s Seminary and College are dedicated to the fulfillment of theSJS Mission Statement, and to providing all of its students with the services and resources needed to graduate on time and to achieve the Intended Student Learning Outcomesfor their respective degree programs.
Seminarians in the First Stage of Priestly Formation, the Propaedeutic Stage (non-degree).
Seminarians in the Second Stage of Priestly Formation, the Discipleship Stage (MACPS).
Seminarians in the Third Stage of Priestly Formation, the Configuration Stage (MDiv/STB).
Lay candidates for ordination to the Permanent Diaconate.
Graduate students in Theology, including lay men and women, ordained clergy, and men and women in consecrated life who wish to study Theology for a wide variety of ministerial, professional and personal reasons.
Propaedeutic Year - First Stage of Priestly Formation (In-Person)
This is a one-year discernment program and is not degree-bearing.
Discipleship Stage – Second Stage of Priestly Formation (48-credits, In-Person)
This program leads to the Master of Arts in Catholic Philosophical Studies (MACPS).
Configuration Stage – Third Stage of Priestly Formation (126-credits, In-Person)
This program leads to the Master of Divinity (MDiv) and the Bachelor of Sacred Theology (STB) granted by the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Rome. These students have the option to complete a concurrent Master of Arts in Theology (MATheo) degree with the successful completion of the capstone requirement (a written research thesis).
Master of Arts in Theology (39-Credits, In-Person and/or Online)
This program requires a comprehensive exam or written research thesis as its capstone.
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Theology (18-credits, In-Person and/or Online)
Post-Master’s Certificate in Dogmatic Theology (18-credits, In-Person and/or Online)
Post-Master’s Certificate in Sacred Scripture (18-credits, In-Person and/or Online)
MACPS (48 Credits) - 2 Years
The MACPS degree is structured to be completed in 2-years, although students have up to six years to complete the degree.
MDiv/MATheo/STB (126 Credits) – 5 Years
Seminarians in this program typically complete their academic coursework in four years, with one additional fifth year of pastoral work - although extensions can be granted for various reasons. During these five years, seminarians concurrently earn a pontifical degree, the Bachelor of Sacred Theology (STB), from the University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. Students have the option to complete a concurrent Master of Arts in Theology degree with the successful completion of the capstone requirement (a written research thesis).
NOTE:Beginning with the incoming 2026 Configuration Stage cohort, this program will shift to 3.5 year structure to fulfill the requirements of the Program for Priestly Formation, 6th edition (2022). The formation previously completed during the pastoral year will move to the parish as part of the Fourth Stage of Priestly Formation, The Pastoral Synthesis Stage.
MATheo (39 Credits) - 6 Years
With the exception of seminarians who complete this degree concurrently within the Configuration Stage, students pursuing the MA Theology degree generally finish within four years, although they have up to six years to complete the program.
Of the 18 seminarians who entered Fall 2018, 14 have graduated, 2 remain active in the program, 1 discerned-out, and 1 withdrew after completing his MA in Theology.
MA Theology 5-year Completion Rate (2019 Entering Cohort): 89%
Of the 28 part-time students who entered in Fall 2019, 25 (89%) graduated by 2024 and 2(7%) remain active. One (4%) withdrew for personal reasons.
MA Theology 6-year Completion Rate (2018 Entering Cohort): 67%
Of the 18 students who began the MATheo program in 2018, 12 (67%) have graduated, 1 is still actively pursuing, and the remainder withdrew for various personal reasons.
The graduating Class of 2024 included 2 MACPS graduates, 9 MDiv/STB graduates (5 of whom also completed the MATheo), and 20 additional MATheo graduates.
MACPS Graduates - Of the two 2024 graduates of the Master of Arts in Catholic Philosophical Studies program, both continued on to the Configuration Stage of Priestly Formation.
MDiv/STB Graduates – All of the seminarians who completed the MDiv/STB at St. Joseph’s Seminary between 2009 and 2024 have been ordained as Catholic Priests and serve in their own local Dioceses, Eparchies or Religious Communities.
MATheo Graduates – Students in the MA in Theology program pursue the degree for various ministerial, personal and professional reasons. Of the 18 2024 graduates, two (11%) pursued further studies and 15 (83%) held vocational posts after graduation (6 of whom are active parish deacons).