José Enrique Aguilar Chiu was born in Acapulco, Mexico in 1960. He obtained his S.S.L. degree at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome in 1991, and his S.S.D. degree at the same institute in 2003. He studied under the direction of Albert Vanhoye, S.J. and published his doctoral dissertation on Pauline Theology. He also studied at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem and at the French Biblical and Archeological School of Jerusalem. He has taught at the Seminary of New York (Dunwoodie), at the Seminary of Philadelphia (Overbrook), at Fordham University (Bronx, NY), at the Washington Theological Union (Washington, D.C.), and at the Pontifical College Josephinum (Columbus, OH). He is currently Professor of Biblical Theology at St. Joseph’s Seminary (Yonkers, NY).
S.S.D., Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome
Curriculum Vitae
Recent Publications
Authored Books:
J.E. Aguilar, The Psalms: An Introduction (Paulist Press: Mahwah, NJ 2014). 128
pages. Reviews: Catholic Books Review (
/2014/bergant.html); RB 122 (2015) 310-311; RBL 18 (2015).
J.E. Aguilar, La justificación y el Espíritu en Pablo (European University Studies
XXIII/713; Peter Lang AG, Bern 2003) 306 pages.
Edited Books: