Doctorate in Sacred Theology, Summa cum laude, Pontifical Lateran University, 2014
Licentiate in Sacred Theology, Summa cum laude, Pontifical Lateran University, 2011
Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology, Summa cum laude, Pontifical Gregorian
University, 2009.
Bachelor of Arts, Summa cum laude, Stonehill College, 2006
Curriculum Vitae
Recent Scholarship
Political Augustinianism: Modern Interpretations of Augustine’s Political Thought.
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014.
“Ask a Priest: How does the Church’s response to coronavirus crisis compare to its role in
earlier pandemics?” Archways Magazine (Winter 2021): 4-5.
“Seeking Augustinian Insights for the Christian in Public Life Today,” in Non Laborat Qui
Amat: A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Salvino Caruana OSA. Edited by Hector Scerri, et al.
Malta: Maltese Augustinian Province, 2020.
“Between Earthly and Heavenly Peace: The Contemporary Discussion of Augustine’s
Concept of Peace,” in Agustín de Hipona como Doctor Pacis: estudios sobre la paz en el
mundo contemporáneo. Bogota: Editorial Uniagustiniana, 2019.
“Augustinian Insights into the Christian in Public Life” 20th Annual Augustine Lecture-
University of Malta (November 2016). Published in Augustinian Institute Annual (2017).
“Rediscovering Augustine's Saeculum and the State of Contemporary Augustinian
Hermeneutics” University of Malta (November 2016). Published in Augustinian Institute
Annual (2017)
Recent Conferences or Presentations
Middle States Conference for Higher Education Annual Conference Participant-
Washington, D.C.- Nov 28-30, 2018
Presenter- Film Festival Immaculate Conception Church Astoria- Nov. 16, 2018
Keynote Address to Brooklyn Music Commission- Nov. 12, 2018
Historical Commission President-Servant of God Dorothy Day (2017-Present)
Diocesan Committee on the Servant of God Francis Ford (2016-Present)
Guest Homilist, St. Rocco’s Italian Festival- Johnston, RI- Aug. 15, 2018
Analyst, Currents News, NET-NY TV, Aug. 6, 2018
Day of Recollection for Parish Ministers- St. Francis of Assisi Church Astoria- March 18,
Day of Prayer Sisters of Mercy Mid-Atlantic Province- December 31, 2017
Holy Cross Community at King’s College Advent Day of Recollection- December 6, 2017
Presenter at Film Festival of Immaculate Conception Church Astoria- Nov. 25, 2017
Participant at the “Conference for the Promotion of the New Ratio Fundamentalis
Institutionis Sacerdotalis Congregation for Clergy, Rome Italy- July 2017
Chair of 50th Anniversary of the Diaconate Committee- Diocese of Brooklyn, 2016-2018
Planning Committee of the Priest Convocation-Diocese of Brooklyn Fall 2014, Fall 2017
Historical Expert, Mysteries of the Church, NET-NY TV, April 2017
St. Elizabeth High School Faculty Day of Prayer- March 24, 2017
Day of Prayer Sisters of Mercy Mid-Atlantic Province- December 31, 2016
University of Malta 20th Augustine Lecture- November 21, 2016
Retreat Director- “Seeking Perfect Charity: Rediscovering Perfectae Caritatis” Mercy Villa-
Water Mill, NY July 9-16, 2016
Theological Expert on “In the Arena” WOR710AM, NET TV, Relevant Radio- May 19, 2016
Day of Prayer Queens North Deanery- February 22, 2016
Day of Prayer Sisters of Mercy Mid-Atlantic Province- December 31, 2015
Historical Commission President-Servant of God Bernard Quinn (2015-Present)I
Fr. Bruno delivered the 20th Annual Augustine Lecture at the University of Malta in November, 2016, click here to read the article published by the Malta Independent